台灣短宣 禱告指引

2014  台灣短宣 禱告指引


2014年的台宣主題是「超酷的愛 from Conditional Love to Unconditional Love」,希望將主耶穌無條件的愛藉著英文與活動帶給學生們。78初的2個禮拜,分別在5國中(順天,大甲,日南福科,清泉)以及日南國小舉辦美語品格歡樂English and Character Education Camp)以活潑的英文教學把福音傳給他們。另外在3個教會(恩光堂,大甲靈糧堂與苑裡靈糧堂)舉辦兒童聖經班(VBS)。成人服事方面,除了弱勢家庭探訪外,將服事7個主日講台,12個專題演講, 2個家長班的親子講座,還有在大甲市區內舉辦福音辦桌餐會,邀集數百位鄉親一同在餐會中聆聽福音。在2週中將服事2200人以上。

一個新的恩典是今年初神差派了董蓉姐妹(Tracy Tong,她畢業於UCLA主修音樂教育)去了大甲的順天國中服事6個月。使我們的短宣走向中宣,也扎根作持續地關懷與傳福音。




O  求神捆綁魔鬼的權勢,敗壞撒但的作為,讓所接觸到的學生與成人都願意相信耶穌,接受救恩。

O  求神保守18個教會同工能夠:合一服事,榮耀主名。

O  求神補足經費上的需要。

O  為董蓉禱告,求神保守她,帶領她,大大地使用她。

O  求主帶領更多年輕人願意擺上自己,獻身「長期宣教」。

O  求主在大甲榮耀祂的名,讓福音在大甲持續生根拓展。

2014 Taiwan Short Term Mission Prayer Guide


FEC has begun its Taiwan short term mission ministry for about 7 years.  By God’s grace we started from a very small scale and now covers a rather large area.  We began in Taichung Da-Ya School for the Blind, and have reached to Rih-Nan and Da-Jia in recent years.


The theme of our mission of this year is "From Conditional Love to Unconditional Love". We will spread Jesus's unconditional love to Da-Jia, the darkness place in Taiwan. Our mission will be held on the last week of July and the first week of August, and would reach out over 2200 people in these 2 weeks. We will use the format of "English and Character Education Camp" to reach out to students, VBS for the children in the church and neighborhood, and workshops, seminars, and home visits to reach out to the parents.  This year February, we sent one of our own –Tracy Tung (UCLA graduate major in music education) to Da-Jia.  She has served at Shuen-Tian Middle School for 6 months.


Taiwan Short Term Mission has become a joined effort of many churches. Thanks God, He lead all our FEC sister churches (FEC-SGV,FECC, FECD, FEC-A, FECG) and GCCI to team up together.  In fact, not only US 6 churches (54 members), God leads additional 12 churches (over 100 members) from Hong Kong and Taiwan to partner with us to work together. Please pray for our unity in Lord.



Prayer Guide:

O  God will protect us from any attack from the evil one.

O  God will provide necessary resources.

O  Continue to lift up Tracy in prayer.

O  A safe, unity and fruitful mission.

O  The most important is God’s name be glorified in Da-Jia, Taiwan. And move more and more people to accept and deeply root in Jesus Christ.